Friday, April 16, 2010


Source : CodeChef

Problem: Given n, calculate the sum LCM(1,n) + LCM(2,n) + .. + LCM(n,n), where LCM(i,n) denotes the Least Common Multiple of the integers i and n.

Update:  Solution given by a friend Tarundeep posted  in comments.


  1. Lcm(i,j)= i*j/(i,j)

    Ans= Sum over i {i*n/(i,n)}
    Replacing i by n-i:
    = Sum over i {(n-i)*n/(n-i,n) }
    As (n-i,n)=(n,i), so adding:
    Ans = Sum over i {n*n/(i,n) }/2= (n*n/2){1/(i,n) }
    (n*n)/2 * Sum over i {1/(i,n)}

    Now I have to find Sum'= Sum over i : 1/(i,n)
    Let (i,n)=k. so as i varies from 1 to n, k varies from 1 to n too
    Now next question to ask is how many elements have gcd K with n ?

    it must be some element of type K*e st
    k*e<=n && (e,n)==1
    or e<=n/K && (e,n)==1
    so this is just phi(n/k) ( for k=1 , it is phi(n)+1 )
    Sum' = 1+ Sum over k from 1 to n {phi(n/k)*(1/k)}
    now as k | n , replace k by n/k
    to get
    Sum' = 1+ {Sum over k from 1 to n + k*phi(k) }

    So final answer is
    = (n*n)/2 * Summation over divisor k of n {k*phi(k)}

    Quantity k*phi(k) can be computed using a seive like procedure in O(nlogn) for all from 1 to n

    So finally- O(nlogn) preprocessing & O(1) query time.

  2. /*
    So final answer is
    = (n*n)/2 * Summation over divisor k of n {k*phi(k)}}

    I think ,
    it'll be n/2 * Summation over divisor k of {k*phi(k)}}
    because 1/k becomes k/n not k.

    BTW pretty cool explanation... :)

  3. @Ritesh-
    Thanks for pointing out. :)
    I had scribbled down the solution in hurry.

  4. /*
    k*e<=n && (e,n)==1
    or e<=n/K && (e,n)==1
    so this is just phi(n/k) ( for k=1 , it is phi(n)+1 )

    what extra element should we add. I dont get it.

  5. "so this is just phi(n/k) ( for k=1 , it is phi(n)+1 )"

    Actually this is wrong, it is simply phi(n).
    The additional "1" comes in the very first para ::

    "Replacing i by n-i:
    = Sum over i {(n-i)*n/(n-i,n) }
    As (n-i,n)=(n,i), so adding:"

    You have ignored the fact that for i = n , (n,i) != (n,n-i)
    hence 1 is substituted for i=n; And for the remaining it is equal to n/(n,i), as you said ,for i=1 to i=(n-1) .
