Fourth day of coding in java script & I have already written one fairly advanced app. Also today I started learning jQuery too. For javascript n00bs let me clarify- jQuery is the awsmest js library of this world written by another God John Resig.
jQuery program I wrote today was - dynamic tab adder & remover in arbitrary js container. I currently dont have functionality to support downloads through blogger but I hope to add it soon enough so I ll put for download all my work.
I have never found anything so exciting to codeup as whole javascript paradigm. I found my first ever dynamic scoped lanuage in js. What that means is :
If I have some variables in a program & user at run time enters a string say "totalSalary" , I can show him the contents of the variable "totalSalary". If you think this is trivial to do in your favorite static language- think again !
//TODO: 1) Creation of own home page in full javascript.
//TODO: 2) An auto suggest box