Sunday, March 28, 2010

Finding smallest cycle

The inspiration of this problem comes from an exam problem which I extended beyond limits of exams .

We are given a graph with edge weights which can be negative . There might be negative cycles as well in the graph. Given a vertex v, find the smallest simple cycle containing v.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bin Packing ( Simplied Version )

Source : Problem from tutorial sheet of ADA ( course at IITD in algorithm design )

Problem : We are given n1 objects of type 1 with size s1 each , n2 of type 2 with size s2 each & n3 of type 3 with size s3 each. We have a large supply of bins each of size S. Find the minimum number of bind needed to pack all the objects. ( Obvly , Objects are not to be cut in fractions )

The begnning

This blog would be the place where I would be venting out my love for maths , algorithms , puzzles & programming. You are welcome to contribute. :)